
Safe navigation in inland waters, particularly in channels or near land requires dedicated predictions of a significant set of meteorological and oceanographic variables such as sea level, currents, wind, visibility, and wave regime. In addition, inland waters are more difficult to navigate when officially installed setting of buoys is inexistent, which poses an increased set of safety issues.

The SISMAR project aims to develop a system by coupling a number of other subsystems, some in operational, which allow improving the forecasting and interpretation of meteorological and oceanographic variables by installing dedicated monitoring equipment and by providing a summary of decisions taken previously for similar offshore navigation conditions by similar vessels.

The project will have as main outcomes: a mobile app for the navigation safety assessment; a management system, and forecasts. The fishing and recreation boating associations (APARA, CENARIO e NADO) will provide access to end users for the correct adaptation of the systems to be developed to users’ needs.

Keywords: Marine Environment Monitoring: Maritime Safety; Mobile App; Ria de Aveiro

Project: Fundo Azul (FA_04_2017_009)

Duration: April of 2019 – September of 2021

Funding Entity: Fundo Azul